We have had our fair share of visitors here at Kim’s, and most certainly all of them have forgotten at least one thing at home. No matter how many lists or how many times you check your bag, you will always forget that one thing you told yourself not to forget! Luckily, we have created a simple check list of the top three things visitors forget, to help keep you right on track!
Number 1: Toothbrush
Surely everyone has felt the feeling of finally arriving at a holiday destination, begin unpacking, then suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of disappointment. Forgetting a toothbrush at home has got to be one of the most frustrating things anyone can do. Luckily, here at Kim’s Beachside Retreat, we have plenty of disposable toothbrushes in our bungalows for those emergencies!
Number 2: Sunscreen
It’s one of those things that you try your hardest to remember, but always forget at home – Sunscreen! Sunny Toowoon Bay often gets the best of us when we go outside without any sun protection, that is why it’s so important to bring along some sunscreen to protect you from those UV rays.
Number 3: Phone Charger
We’ve saved the best until last! The most popular item our visitors forget at home is a phone charger. We have had plenty of guests come by and ask for a phone charger from Reception, however we only have a few! Without your phone, you won’t be able to take some stunning shots of your stay or keep in contact with loved ones you are away from. Sometimes, a weekend getaway without any technology is the perfect cleanse so maybe forgetting your phone charger isn’t a bad thing after all!